Did you know that a bully actually NEEDS you in order to feel important?
Without a victim a bully is just a kid. YOU CAN TAKE CHARGE of yourself and destroy a bully’s power. Here are some suggestions that can help.
Bullies look for someone who looks timid, so make it a point to walk tall & show confidence so you don’t become a target. Avoid them if you can and show a positive and assertive attitude when you walk to or attend class. Ask your parent how to have strong and assertive body language.
Walking away from a bully can succeed! If you see the bully in the hallway, leave with confidence as you remain calm, keep your head held high and veer around the bully. Refuse to be a target. Your strength is his kryptonite. Again, ask your parent to help you practice this at home.
Set your boundaries clearly if you cannot leave a situation. Hold your anger back because bullies need that to feel strong. If provoked, you could put your hands up if front of you, palms open and outward. Then with a strong, confident voice say STOP and try to veer away. TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR SPACE.
Use your voice. If a bully tries to touch you, pull away and in a REALLY loud voice say “NO! STOP IT.” Bullies feed on your fear and if you don’t show it to them they have nothing to work with.
Remember to talk to someone who can help you. Your parents and teachers are there to help – but they have to know that you need help.
Have you ever had to take out the trash at home? It is the same thing with the words of a bully. Just realize their words are trash and you can throw them away. Be strong, walk tall, wear a huge smile and have confidence that YOU are the person that matters.