The InBrace system is truly a revolutionary form of braces. There’s nothing else on the market like them!
InBrace braces are the only genuinely invisible type of braces. When you smile with these braces, it’s impossible for anyone to know that you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment.
The surfaces of your teeth that people see when you smile will look just as they always have—braces-free. But how’s that possible? Is it magic? Kind of…
Here’s what you need to know about InBrace lingual braces!
A Unique Innovation: InBrace Lingual Braces
InBrace braces are a form of advanced lingual braces. “Lingual” is derived from the Latin word, “lingua”, meaning tongue. So, unsurprisingly, lingual braces are bonded to the back surfaces, or the tongue-side surfaces, of your teeth.
How do InBrace braces work?
InBrace treatment uses custom-made Smartwire technology loops, instead of traditional, straight archwires. Used in combination with GentleForce technology, Smartwire enables friction-free tooth movement, allowing the teeth to move individually of each other.
This enables Dr. King or Dr. Welch to move teeth efficiently and according to your orthodontist’s pre-programmed treatment plan. The InBrace loops are designed to allow for optimal movement in each individual tooth—not moving all teeth together as traditional braces do.
GentleForce technology applies gentle, but persistent force to create a perfect alignment among the teeth and between the upper and lower jaw bones.
Are InBrace Lingual Braces right for me?
How do you know if InBrace braces are right for you? The best type of orthodontic treatment for you depends on the lifestyle you live, and the look you want to maintain throughout your treatment.
If having an invisible treatment is important to you, lingual braces may be the right treatment for you! Try asking yourself these questions when considering InBrace braces:
1. Are you looking for a truly invisible treatment? With InBrace, no matter what your day holds, you can go about it confidently without worrying that your treatment is detectable by others. You don’t have to hide your smile or remove your clear aligners to be comfortable in the spotlight. InBrace works secretly and discreetly behind your teeth to transform your smile.
2. Is healthy tooth movement important to you? Because InBrace braces move teeth individually, as opposed to all at once, there’s less friction applied to the teeth. This helps to protect the long-term health of the gums, teeth and mouth.
3. Would you prefer fewer orthodontist appointments? Who doesn’t want more time doing what they love? As much as we’d love to see you, we know you’d probably prefer to minimize your visits to our Jupiter orthodontist office. With InBrace braces, you won’t have any adjustment appointments, as traditional braces require. There aren’t any rubber bands to adjust! This also minimizes possible orthodontic emergencies.
Does InBrace cost more than traditional braces?
Generally speaking, InBrace lingual braces can cost more than traditional braces. It’s important to remember that the cost of your treatment will depend on a number of factors, including the severity of your condition and the length of your treatment plan.
InBrace and traditional braces can be pretty close in price. If you have orthodontic insurance, this helps to reduce the cost of treatment too! According to InBrace, most insurance providers cover up to $2,000 with InBrace, depending on your specific insurance plan.
We are a preferred provider for many insurance plans, and we’re happy to file your insurance claims for you!
We also provide flexible financing with a number of options, including 0% interest in-house financing with a low down payment and low monthly payments, pay-in-full discounts, and multi-family member discounts.
We really do everything we can to help our patients manage the cost of braces! If you’re interested in learning more about InBrace braces or you’ve seen some awesome InBrace reviews and want to experience this innovative treatment for yourself, we encourage you to reach out to us.
Still have questions about InBrace braces?
If you’re still on the fence about adult braces, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We would love to speak to you about your hesitations.
Ready to begin your journey toward your most confident smile? Get started by requesting your free exam with Dr. King or Dr. Welch, top orthodontists in Jupiter.